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1) Length of Games:

For 1 hour time slot games: Two 26 minute halves with 1-3 minute halftime (at the referee’s discretion, time permitting).

For 1.5 hour time slot games: Two 42 minute halves with a 5 minute halftime (at the referee’s discretion, time permitting).

Teams will be required to show up dressed and ready to play at the beginning of their time slot. For 1.5 hour games, if a team is not ready 15 minutes after the start of the game, the game will be automatically forfeited. For 1 hour games, teams have 10 minutes before they forfeit. The remainder of the time slot will be awarded to the players present on the field, without a referee. Forfeited games will not be rescheduled.

2) Number of Players:

Men’s and Women’s leagues: 7 players per team, including goalkeeper. Minimum 6 players are required to field a team.

Co-ed leagues: 7 players per team, including goalkeeper. Minimum of 2 women and 2 men on the field at all times. Minimum 6 players are required to field a team which must include 1 male and 1 female.

In the event of an injury, if the team met legal minimums at kickoff, they can continue the game short-handed. (For example, if a team has only 1 male player but that player in injured during the course of the game, the team cannot replace that player with a female player, but may continue to play short).

3) Kick-ins:

When the ball goes out of bounds on the touchline, it will result in a kick-in. All kick-ins are indirect and cannot result in a goal. All defensive players are to be a minimum of 5 yards away from the ball. Ball is to be placed on the touchline and is to be stationary. If the kick results in the ball going straight out of bounds, it will result in a change of possession as the ball is already on the touchline and is deemed in the field of play.

Goalkeepers are not allowed to pick up a kick-in. If a goalkeeper picks up a kick-in, an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposing team at the spot of the foul. Persistent negligence of this rule for goalkeepers may result in a yellow card at the discretion of the referee.

4) Offside:

There are no offsides in 7-on-7 co-ed soccer.

5) Goal:

A goal can be scored from anywhere on the field of play, except for the following circumstances:

Start of a half or restart after a goal, kick-in, indirect free kick, or if goalkeeper is to throw the ball into the net. In the case of a free kick or out of bounds play, the ball may be scored if any player on either team touches the ball after it’s initially struck into play.

6) Free Kicks:

Co-ed leagues: Only indirect free kicks will be awarded. Only exception is for fouls within the goalie box a penalty shot may be issued. All opposing players are to be a minimum of 5 yards from the ball. Persistent infractions of this rule may result in a caution at the referee’s discretion. Ball must be stationary when it is kicked.

7) Goal-Kicks:

A goal-kick must be taken anywhere inside the goalkeeper’s box. Ball is to be stationary before entering the field of play. All opposing players are to be a minimum of 5 yards from the ball.

8) Penalty-Kicks:

A penalty kick will be awarded for any fouls committed in the goalkeeper’s box (penalty area) that would normally result in a direct kick. This also includes slide-tackling in the vicinity of opposing players. Goalkeepers are permitted to make sliding saves in the goalkeeper’s box but cannot slide tackle players.

All players are to be a minimum of 5 yards from the ball when the penalty-kick is taken and cannot be inside the goalkeeper area.

9) Corner-Kicks:

Corner-kicks are direct and can result in a goal. All opposing players are to be a minimum of 5 yards from the ball. Persistent infractions of this rule may result in a caution at the referee’s discretion. Ball is to be placed at or near the corner at the discretion of the referee.

10) Center-Kicks:

At the beginning of each half, and after each goal, a center-kick will be given. Ball must be stationary when it is kicked. All opposing players are to be a minimum of 5 yards from the ball and in their respective half. Persistent infractions of this rule may result in a caution at the referee’s discretion.

11) Pass-Back:

Goalkeepers are not allowed to use their hands when the ball is passed back to them by their own team with intent. Intent will be judged by the referee’s discretion. If the referee judges that there was intent, an indirect-kick will be awarded at the spot of the foul, or at 5 yards from the goal-line, whichever is further from the goal-line.

12) Substitutions:

There are unlimited substitutions and can be made during the course of play. Substitutions are to be made on the same touchline as the team bench. Persistent infractions of this rule may result in a team caution at the referee’s discretion.

13) Sliding and Slide-Tackling:

Slide-tackling is not permitted and it will result in a free-kick or penalty-kick (direct or indirect, depending on the league) and a player may be cautioned as a result of this infraction at the discretion of the referee.

Slide-tackling in the vicinity of an opposing player is deemed dangerous play and is also not permitted and it will result in a free-kick or penalty-kick and a player may be cautioned as a result of this infraction at the discretion of the referee.

Sliding while preventing a goal or to keep a ball in play is allowed as long as there is no opposing player in the vicinity. Sliding, even if not making contact with a ball or player, is deemed dangerous play if in the vicinity of another player.

Any contact with an opposing player from the result of a slide-tackle will result in a caution (yellow or red card) at the discretion of the referee.

Goalkeepers are allowed to slide in an attempt to retrieve or stop the ball in the goalkeeper area, but not to tackle opposing players.

Players also may not play the ball when they are on the ground. If you fall over, you must get back to your feet before striking the ball again.

14) Injuries and Player Safety:

Play will be stopped if there are any serious injuries on the field. What is deemed serious and whether it is affecting play is at the discretion of the referee. A drop-ball will be issued by the referee in order to resume play.

15) Yellow Cards:

A yellow card will result in a player sitting out for 2 minutes. The penalized team will be down a player for the entirety of the 2 minutes, regardless whether a goal has been scored. If a goalkeeper receives a yellow card, another player may serve the 2 minutes in his place.

If a player is shown a second yellow card, a red card must be shown.

16) Red Cards:

Any player that receives a red card will be dismissed from the game. The team receiving the red card must play down a player for 5 minutes. An automatic one game suspension will be given for all red cards. All red cards will be reviewed by the Ref Committee and further disciplinary action may be taken by Ottawa Rec Sports based on the review. Referees may ask the player who received the red card to leave the venue in addition to the game if unsportsmanlike conduct continues on the sidelines.

17) Offensive Language:

Any use of offensive, insulting, racial, or abusive language or gestures towards any referee, staff member, official, coach. player or spectator may result in removal from the facility at the discretion of the Ottawa Rec Sports staff.

18) Physical Violence:

Any use of physical violence will not be tolerated and may result in the removal from the facility and an indefinite suspension from the community at the discretion of the Ottawa Rec Sports staff.

19) Hand Balls:

The referee will judge hand balls as per FIFA rules on hand balls. Hand balls are subjective as a referee may judge intent, ball to hand or advantage on the same play. Players are to continue playing if they see contact with a hand unless a whistle is blown.

20) Balls Entering Play from Adjacent Fields:

In some field locations, games may be interrupted by balls entering the field from neighbouring games. In this case, if the ball disrupts ongoing play in any way, the referee should stop the play, return the ball and then restart play on the sideline with possession going to whichever team had possession when play was stopped. If the ball does not interfere with play, teams should return it to their neighbouring field quickly and continue on. Disruptions and advantages gained are at the discretion of the referee.

Minor Adjustments from FIFA Futsal Rules:

Duration of matches

  • Two halves lasting 26 minutes each, with a 2-minute break for half-time.

Rolling substitutions

  • Each team starts with one goalkeeper and four outfield players on the pitch.

  • Substitutions can be made without stopping the game.

Infringements and sanctions

  • As in football, fouls are penalized with either a direct or indirect free-kick, or a penalty if the foul is committed inside the penalty area.

  • Fouls can be sanctioned with red and yellow cards.


  • Goalkeepers are free to move anywhere on the pitch but can only handle the ball inside their own penalty area.

  • They are allowed to throw the ball from their area into the opposition half.

  • When the ball is in their possession, either in their hands or at their feet, they have four seconds in which to play it to a team-mate.

  • They may only touch the ball again after an opposition player has touched it or if they advance to the opposition half.

Team fouls

  • A count is kept of fouls penalised with a direct free-kick or penalty kick in each time period. These offences are called “accumulated fouls”.

  • When a team commits a sixth accumulated foul, the opposing team is awarded a direct free-kick without a wall on the second penalty mark, which is situated ten metres from goal and four metres behind the first penalty mark.

  • If, however, the sixth accumulated foul is committed between the opposition goalline and an imaginary line parallel to the halfway line and passing through the second penalty mark, the free-kick may be taken closer to the goal, in the position where the infringement was committed.

  • If a match goes to extra time, the accumulated fouls from the second period continue to accumulate during extra time.


  • Futsal is played with a ball that bounces less than a conventional football.

  • Goals measure three metres wide and two metres high.

  • When the ball goes out of play, play resumes with a kick-in.

  • There are no offsides.

Men’s Competitive Turf rules will run on with two 35 minute halves, a 5 minute half time and regular 7-on-7 structure, but will follow strict FIFA rules for penalties, viewable here.